Use Keeton SeedFirmer for emergence. Precision Planting creates innovative emergence farming technology and we bring it to your farm. Buying new planters is expensive and usually the row units and technology are the only things that need to be upgraded. The Precision Planting emergence products offer solutions that allow you to keep your existing planter frame, but upgrade to units and technology, for a fraction of the cost of a new planter. You’ll have the planter that you want and save a ton of money.
Don’t delay emergence with an air gap that prevents seeds from making it to the bottom of the furrow. Precision Keeton SeedFirmers press each seed to the bottom of the furrow to improve seed-to-soil contact and give you a crop stand with yields to be excited about.
You Get
- Avoid late germination and emergence, and loss of yield
- A simple attachment that adds yield to your planter, seeder, or drill
- Also acts as a liquid application tool for insecticides, fungicides, and proper in-furrow fertilizers