Setting row cleaners correctly is time-consuming and frustrating. CleanSweep allows you to make row cleaner adjustments from the cab, eliminating the frustration of getting row cleaners set and saving you time while planting.
Use the CleanSweep for emergence. Precision Planting creates innovative emergence farming technology and we bring it to your farm. Buying new planters is expensive and usually the row units and technology are the only things that need to be upgraded. The Precision Planting emergence products offer solutions that allow you to keep your existing planter frame, but upgrade to units and technology, for a fraction of the cost of a new planter. You’ll have the planter that you want and save a ton of money.
You Get
- Adjust row cleaners from the cab, correctly
- Correctly adjusted row cleaners save time and end frustration
- Prevent late emergence from heat and moisture loss, seedling diseases, and nutrients tied up by residues